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Balance Workshop

Find your balance and enjoy life better

  • 1 h 30 min
  • 99 euro
  • J.M. Van Lierdelaan

Service Description

This individual counseling process provides insight into the way in which you can better coordinate work and private life. We work together on an action plan to set the right priorities and to deal with the discomfort you experience daily life. - Tailored to your needs - Simplicity - Spatial and creative exercises - Meditative exercises - Creating real rest - Result check 3 sessions - book further sessions after your first session ------------------------------ If you have not yet had our free introduction, book this too. It's free. Heb je nog geen gratis intake gehad, boek deze dan ook in

Contact Details

  • J.M. Van Lierdelaan, Itterbeek (Dilbeek), 1701

    + +32471323888

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