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Growth in your job

Together we will make your career work

To get to know your talents and possibilities, you need a good image of yourself.

You can easily view this in a broad sense: character, energy, temperament, motivation...

it's all part of how you function in your life and in your job.

Some people can do this easily on their own, but most of us need some reflection and a sounding board every now and then to gain insight.

GROWTH coaching gives you a broader perspective and helps you become aware of your own abilities and possibilities.

Why growth coaching?

  • Your work doesn't make you happy

  • You are stuck in your job and don't dare to change

  • You have insufficient insight into your possibilities

  • You need workable work

  • You don't get enough appreciation

  • Your work is not meaningful

We discover along the way which tasks you can handle easily and enjoy doing. What gives meaning to your professional path and makes work enjoyable.


My approach is participatory and adapted to your own situation. We discuss together which goals you want to achieve and what you want to work towards.


Growth coaching is a trajectory of at least 4 individual sessions. Those who are entitled to career cheques follow a subsidized trajectory of 7 hours (4 + 3)
All sessions take place in Dilbeek

What do you get out of it?

You increase your self-awareness

Your self-confidence increases

You can set concrete goals and take steps in that direction

You see possibilities and options to better fill your work situation

You will be provided with agencies, training courses and partners that can help you make a career change

Career cheques

With us you can use Careercheques. We do this in collaboration with VDAB partners Aurius or Invensa.

This means you only pay 45 euros per check. Your first check is good for 4 hours of coaching, your second check for 3 hours of coaching.
Without career cheques you pay €180 for a 3-hour package)


  • You live in Flanders or Brussels.

  • You currently work full-time or part-time as an employee or self-employed person.

  • You have worked as an employee or self-employed person for at least one year in the past seven years.

  • You have not received any career guidance in the past six years.

All details about the career cheques can be found on the VDAB website.

You can order checks online at my career or by phone on 0800 30 700

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Why Unlock Potential?


  • Start from your own potential

  • Personal approach

  • Pragmatic working methods

  • Individual guidance tailored to your needs

  • Fast results

  • Years of coaching experience

  • No waiting list

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